On Evolution, Creationism, and Intelligence
960 words
© James Hutchison
Dec.21, 2011

There's Two Sides to an Argument. Then There's the Truth
In any debate that seemingly goes on forever with no resolve, it is usually due to one or both sides not possessing the complete truth; the entire perspective. There are indeed things that should simply be left up to opinion, however in the matter of science and religion, opinions must be subservient to cold hard facts and evidence. The level playing field for this debate is the one all of us can see, feel, touch, research, and explore. If anyone wants to introduce unseen faith-based evidence coming from bronze age writings that are at their best, dubious in origin, then that person has the unfair advantage of making up the rules as they see fit, rendering the debate not only unfair, but utterly impossible. Introducing evidence based on the whim of personal interpretation has no place in the real world of facts and unbiased debate.

The creation/evolution debate that is perpetuated between atheists and theists contain arguments that are polarizations of incomplete and poorly interpreted information, and an incomplete understanding of the universe. Simply put, the creation/evolution arguement is a false dichotomy. I posit that the universe itself is creatively intelligent, with biological life forms being its highest and most complex expression. This position most adequately addresses not only the theist's argument of intelligent design, and the atheist's Darwinian evolutionary process, but the newly discovered facts of the basic building blocks of the universe itself: string theory, the Akashic field, and quantum physics phenomena such as non-local coherence.

In The Beginning
From a macro viewpoint, the lowest form of the universe's intelligence resides in the very laws of Newtonian physics, as we watch stars being born right before our eyes. In the next higher form of this intelligence, we watch simple structures form complex systems thanks to gravity, radiation, chemistry, all balancing in harmonies that form from chaos, shaping the essential building blocks of planets. I then point out to you the planetary systems, and of course the galaxies, then galaxy super-clusters, eventually making up the entire universe. Mind-numbing, really.

Fast Forward to the Existence of Life
A single cell, in its complexity, groups with other cells to form structures and organs that form a single complex homeostatically balanced life form, with a brain and nervous system, chemicals and hormones, eyes, ears, and some means of locomotion. These immensely complex biological entities are the epitome of an organized system, who then work together in groups for the sole purpose of survival: reproduction, evolution, and adaptation result in inter and intra species cooperation and competition. Life forms of the same genus, over generations, will adapt very quickly to environmental pressures as food and shelter resources challenge their survival. Evolution among species is not the result of accidental adaptations and hopeful mutations; its very existence is an expression of biology's prime directive to survive and prosper. A simple example was observed in a species of finches, that over the short span of less than one year, developed differently shaped beaks to adapt to a change in the hardness of the seeds they fed on. Survival of the fittest and evolutionary adaptation are the hallmarks of our existence, and proof that DNA has an inherent intelligence. It is clear that it all just doesn't happen by accident.

This intelligence is in the very fabric of the universe, which when understood from the quantum physics perspective, is incomprehensibly complex, yet an amazingly coherent system that continues to grow more complex as time goes on. Scientists who think outside the box say that the big bang is a recurring phenomena, that the cycle of creation, expansion, and death is an expression of the universe's inherent intelligence.

We're Quite Young
On to hominids: we're only 200,000 years old, which is short when compared to other species. As we evolved from nomadic to stationary lifestyles thanks to the development of agriculture about 10,000 years ago, complex societal tools and adaptations appeared out of necessity, the most interesting being language and religion. Unfortunately, the incapacity to understand our world and our need to explain our existence and purpose resulted in the corruption of the survival instinct into greed, and lust for power and control. Our forefathers created unseen entities whom we must appease, worship, and obey. Of course, all under the guise of a system controlled by elite priesthoods. This societal evolution echoes today in the institutional religions that have survived because of the balance between the need for answers, the need to be controlled, and the need to control. Religion played an important role in providing early society with cohesiveness and purpose, when as a young species, we had no real understanding of our history, and of the forces of nature that put us here.

Religion, Step Aside
The fact that each and every separate religion, and factions thereof, argue that their interpretation and path is the only way to salvation speaks to the ridiculousness and utter frivolity of religion itself. Today we do have a much better understanding of biology, evolution, and science in general, so there is no longer a need to depend on unseen gods to bless us with sun and rain. No more need to follow religions based on old-school concepts of the world. Religions need to evolve themselves, or get out of the way, because there is a groundswell movement of intelligent analysis, critical thinking, and a new spirituality based on sound knowledge, not superstition. But this groundswell is only in small pockets. I touched earlier on the fact that greed and lust for power are but a corruption of our basic need to survive. Until the critical mass of our species think otherwise, we'll continue to degrade and destroy ourselves, our environment, and our chances of making it at all on this planet.

On the upside, it appears that we're slowly doing so…